CrazyFly Kiteboarding


CrazyFly is a European kiteboarding company, founded in 1999

About CrazyFly

Quality you can trust – is not only our new slogan, but it really is the main focus of CrazyFly company, since we ever started building CrazyFly products. It is the way how we develop the best products for our customers and it is the way how we build the products. Quality can be found in every step of CrazyFly kiteboards production process: choosing the highest quality materials delivered from European suppliers, hand wet out lamination, hand finishing the boards, safe and effective packing and choosing reliable and experienced transport companies to bring everything to the customers. And it does not end only by delivering the product. CrazyFly has great after sale service and in a rare case of a warranty issue, we do take care of these without hesitation. The most important is – we handle these very fast. Just ask anybody who ever had some request or claim on CrazyFly.

As CrazyFly company is a direct producer of kiteboards, we are always one step ahead of the others. New ideas and concepts are developed directly in our own production. It is fast and effective and we are always able to follow the market demand immediately.

CrazyFly - Kitenation


Púchovská 2096/6
91441 Nemšová
Slovakia, Europe

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